3 Most common reasons of toothache - Many of you might have had experienced toothache . It becomes difficult to eat and drink and many times the toothache is really excruciating. Here, let us know 3 most common reasons of toothache and sensitivity . 1) caries/ cavities: Caries in the begining are painless and therefore neglected by many people. When caries advance they infect inner layers of tooth called dentin and pulp . Pulp is the inside core region of tooth having nerves and blood vessels. Once the carious infection reaches pulp toothache begins. Further, infection advances to reach the tooth root and adjacent bone causing severe toothache and swelling. 2) Tooth abrasion: Brushing with hard bristles tooth brush, using abrasive toothpastes and tooth powders wears off the outer most protective layer of tooth called enamel. This exposes inner dentin which has tiny nerve endings. Tooth becomes se...
This blog is about issues related to general body health and issues related to teeth