Vitamin A: Sorces, Uses and deficiency Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin means it requires fat for its absorption and storage in the body. It plays several important roles in the body and is essential for normal growth and development. Uses of Vitamin A: Vitamin A plays an important role in vision specially the dim light vision. It is important for growth, reproduction and maintenance of healthy skin, bones and other body tissues. It is an anti oxidant. Sources of Vitamin A: Vitamin A is present in our diet in two forms ) Preformed Vitamin A in the form of retinol which is present in animal sources ) Pro vitamin A in the form of beta carotenoids which is present in plant sources. Foods rich in vitamin A include; Cod liver oil Liver Egg yolk Ghee and other dairy products Carrots Sweet potatoes Pumpkin Yellow orange fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin A. Dark green leafy vegetables are also good sources. Daily requirements of vitamin A...
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