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Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D Through Sunlight?

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D Through Sunlight? Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth as it maintains body's calcium and phosphate levels. Apart from that, it also plays an important role in immunity. When you are exposed to sunlight, the UVB rays of the sun acts upon cholesterol present under your skin to form vitamin D. This Vitamin D is in its inactive form. It gets converted into its active form in the liver and kidneys. We all know that sun light is the major source of vitamin D. But, are you getting enough vitamin D through Sunlight? This is a big question specially for vegans. There are many factors that affect the formation of Vitamin D when your body is exposed to the sun like time of exposure, skin color, sunscreen and many more. Let us discuss them below... ) Time of exposure : 5 minutes to 30 minutes (depending upon skin colour and intensity of sunlight) of Sunlight exposure to face, arms and legs twice a week generally produces adequate vita...
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Vitamin A: Sources, uses and deficiency

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Does Clove Relieves toothache?

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Are Chocolates Good For Your Teeth??

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Smoking : Its effects on oral health

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3 most common reasons of toothache

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